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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

FDSG Flip the Bitch and Stunt/Drift Demo Show

It has been a fun part of my participation on Formula Drift Singapore.

To be the coordinator to handle the Stunt show with Mattie Griffin from Ireland. He is a nice guy to work with and hang too. His riding skill are amazing. Low speed control is damn good. And he dared to play with the drift car in the mist of it. We did a challenge between his riding skill against the drifters to make a more entertaining show and a bit of an attitude by all. We had Jane wiht the single car donut , Johan, Michael in the two car twin donut, Yoong as sual with his trademark Rodeo and myself in the show.

I did my usual Human cone with Yoong and then I did it with the bike while he was doing a donut on one wheel. Have to look for some of the videos for it especially when I did the stunt with him using yellow smoke tyres. They were good to drive on and fun for all to watch.

On Satarday we did the Formula Drift USA stunt called Flip the Bitch but then in Singapore had to call it Flip the 370Z.

We had Ariff as the first drifter out to do it. Followed by Tony Angelo then Yoong. I has wanted to be last to watch what the other were going to do with Ariff trying to show some drifting in the car before trying to get it park in the box.

Yoong was almost in the box too but the handbrake is in a funny spot that most had an interesting time trying to get it to work for them.

I got it in the box on all my try which resulted in them making the box smaller but it was ok. The gap was still pretty big to fit in. However, once hte car is in the wind blew the boxes down....the girls in the car were having a blast too doing thr stunt with us in the shotgun seat....kakakaka

This year after much anxiety, I was in the Best 16 as well. Am glad the car came back in one piece this time round too, well almost except for a crack fender due to a few cones that I clipped. Oh well better than concrete walls.

De javu is never good when trying to practice getting you lines right, but the tandem with Tan Tat Wei was fun and interesting. Kept it close for the show as I knew my lines were not going to be as clean but turn out well for a good show.

Time to practice long outer clipping zones rather than clipping point now for the next round in the Fromula Drift series 2009.

Will try to look for some video and more pic soon


Eva said...

cool~ XD
more pic please? ^^

Sean Khoo said...

still trying to find more....hopefully Yoong will find have more of it

ellmiesupreme said...

what tire did u use sean??
cool yellow smoke

Sean Khoo said...

i used the Kumho Color smoke tyres